
Friday Nov 23, 2018
11/24/18 - Shiur 196 - Bais Din Challenges Today
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Friday Nov 23, 2018
--- Guest Hosted by Rabbi Yehosua Pfeffer ---
Should batei din give reasons in decisions? Should there be appeals? Can they handle issues of corporate law? What are the advantages of bais din system?
Rabbi Tzvi Gartner - Av Beis Din, Darchei Torah, Yerushalayim & Vaad Hadin V'Horaah, New City - 27:30
Rabbi Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs - Dayan, Beis Havaad, Lakewood - 54:50
Mr. Tuvya Stern - Attorney and To'en in Batei Din and Courts, Israel - 1:22:20
Version: 20241125
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Just a general comment. I really enjoy listening to your podcasts but your guests frequently forget you have l listeners who are not fluent in gemarrah shprach, like women, or baalei tshuvah, and lose what's being discussed. Some of us can use context but it's not always enough. Can there please be more translating?
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
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